Synthesize Examples
In this section, we'll use Entry Point's Synthesis feature to create new examples for our training dataset. This can be useful when you only have a limited amount of data and want to use AI to generate more.
The Synthesis feature requires you have at least 3 examples already, since it works by using an internal prompt with few-shot learning.
Create a Template
Navigate to the templates section on the left-hand sidebar and press + in the top-right.
Leave the Type set to "Chat". For the System Prompt, we'll enter the same message we used during the previous Transform Data step in this guide.
Set the user
message to the "Inbound Request" Field and the assistant
message to the "AI Agent Response" Field. Then, press "Save".
Your template will be named automatically. Press the "..." menu and select "Rename" to give it a different name.
Synthesize Examples
Navigate to the synthesis page using the sidebar menu and press "Settings".
In this example, we'll use the following settings. For the template dropdown, be sure to select the template that we created in the previous step.
Platform: OpenAI
Model: GPT-4 Omni
Template: Select the Template we created in the previous step
Alignment Text: Leave blank
Total # of examples to create: 12
Batch size: 3
Validation examples: 20%
Automatically save examples: Leave unchecked
Press "Save & close" and then "Start" in the top-right.
Add Synthesized Examples to Dataset
Entry Point will synthesize new examples for your dataset. You can review the examples and add them manually to your dataset.
Once you are comfortable with the quality of the results, you can choose to run a new batch with the box checked next to "Automatically save examples".
This allows you to easily synthesize as many training examples as you'd like and automatically add them to your training dataset!
Note that Entry Point provides an estimate allowing you to see how your model provider costs scale as you increase the size of your batch.
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